Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A few more days

I'm glad I have a few more days before I leave for Italy because I'm still trying to get used to this new little netbook. It's the cutest thing! About the size of a book, techno-slick and red! Just the right size for fitting into my carry-on to capture my thoughts and load photos and post in this blog. Oh, and maybe check Facebook occasionally. . .

Speaking of photos, I just uploaded Picasa. Hope it's as easy to use as it says it is. Since this little guy doesn't have a way to load external programs, I can't use the photo software that comes with my camera. So as soon as I actually put some photos onto this computer, maybe I'll be in luck for eventually having a multi-media blog! Stay tuned!


  1. We can mess around with Picasa when you get here on Sunday and I can show you what I know. Love the blog!!

  2. Thanks, Jamie. That's what I need: HELP! Remember when you first showed me how to do a blog the day before I left for England?!!

  3. Hey, Jamie. I guess I'm not sure how the commenting works either. Do people have to log on (or create) a Google account in order to post comments on this blog? Or is there another way they can just make comments?

  4. OK Nancy....I have figured out how to looking forward to a pic of you and a big wheel of parma cheese!! :)

  5. Hi Nancy, I am so excited for you and your vacation adventure in Italy. It is one of my favorite places to go. Have a great trip and remember to drink the wine with all your meals like the Italians do!!
    Love, Peggy

  6. Hi mom! Can't wait to read all about this amazing trip as it happens!

  7. Hi, everyone! We made it to Italy yesterday and certainly made a full day of it today! I wish I could get some photos and another post on this blog, but so far I haven't quite figured out how to do it quickly after ten hours of sight-seeing! But thanks for commenting! I'll figure this out soon! Diana says hi too! XO
