Wednesday, November 4, 2009

We really wish . . .

. . . that we knew more Italian! Our "buon giorno"s and "buona sera"s, our "per favore"s and "grazie"s and "prego"s don't actually get us very far into any conversation.

What we really want to do is talk with the people we meet as we ride the Vaporettos and visit St. Mark's Square and the Doge's Palace and the museums.

A Vaporetto (water bus)

We're doing the best we can, but we wish we didn't have to rely on understanding of our our sad Italian (or our English) for real communication to take place! What we especially wish is that we could talk with the waiters and owners and fellow patrons of the little osterias we choose for dinner each night.

By the way, does anyone notice any similarities in our choices of beverages bevandae for our dinners below?

Osteria Vivaldi - Dinner #1

Osteria Diavolo L'Aquasanta - Dinner #2

Ah, that's right! Nothing like the house red - vino rosso di casa! And that also helps with the conversation - in two languages! Ciao!


  1. cute photos! you two look great. drink up!

  2. Now we're in Florence and I'm sitting in the only room in our lovely hotel with wi-fi access. Probably won't be any posts for awhile. . .
    Going to the Uffizi today!

  3. Nancy! I love this blog! Great pictures so far. :) can't wait to see more! ci vediamo!

  4. LOVE your blog, Nancy! I'm really enjoying keeping up with your & Mom's travels, you both look so happy (and who wouldn't be!?) I wish I was there to enjoy some of that lovely wine and food, so have some for me!! Can't wait to see your next post. Be safe.

  5. Thanks Jamie, Gine, and Summer! We know you owuld ALL love it here - and we wish you were here with us!
    Today we're off to view Michelangelo's David!
